Use "will|would" in a sentence

1. Kalkin regarded them Apathetically but wondered what free will would lead lowly

2. Confident that + subject + will/would (usually) + verb + object = "I'm sure that subj

3. Of course , before the war, Will would certainly not have been an eligible suitor.

4. Nothing but independent advice or relief from the ascendancy of her husband over her judgment and will would suffice.

5. The first is considered the traditional approach – if the courts do not recognise secret trusts, the trustee given the property in the will would be able to keep it for himself, committing fraud.

6. She is but any old unwashed dish-clout, an unstable wencb that gives a man more cuffs than Cossetings." Then for one wild moment there came a hope in my heart that Will would take me at my word, but his silence was only his accustomed way of examining everything seriously, and of giving a fair and eqnal consideration to each proposition that